Hey guys,
Before I start updating my news, please be patient when you read this long update because I was busy last week plus a little bit of laziness so I just wrote on my hand book then now, I typing on the this blog. Ok, here is the story
Back to Sai Gon, back to reality. That means I have to look for a job cause in 2 more weeks, CET summer program will end and I still waiting for the feedback from AVC - a local marketing & PR company. I am confusing now because after my graduation in college which International Business Administration is my major. They taught me a lot of stuff and everything seems like too general. It's true because my other friend Thuy who was my classmate has the same ideas with me. So I think to start with PR first see if it fits me or not. Everyone told me that I have some skills which are related to PR. Actually, my job with CET program pretty awesome. I've learned a lot from it during the past 2 years. From meeting people with different background, race, gender to learn how to over come my non confidence in meeting people or before doing some difficult works and know how to party as well. Thanks for all my students and my VK friends ;)
Today is Tuesday. The weather is so cool. There is a gentle rain because of a storm #2 which is affected directly to VN and Sai Gon is also affected. I spent all afternoon with Slutty Hao at Tous Les Jous bakery (Korean bakery with a French name - that's weird) to help him translated his research questions about Education in Viet Nam

Vietnamese roommates in CET program cooked Vietnamese dinner for American students. Otherwise American students have to cook for Vietnamese students. This is one of exchange culture activities that CET recommended. The food was so good I was surprise because this group did a good job in making: Canh chua cá lóc, chả giò, thịt bò xào bông cải, rau câu and especially nước mơ (Apricot juice) Which was brought from Ha Noi. That's delicious dinner
After dinner, Dave , Hao, Tien, Matt, Thành ( Matt's roommate) and I went to an Arap Lounge for Shisha. This is my first time having shisha in Sai Gon. Surprisingly, It's better than shisha at Balcony bar in Ha Noi. (Sorry anh Phúc) I just want to say the truth hehehe. I walked home right after chilling at that bar while some others wanted to go clubbing at Volcano.
Next morning, As usual chị 10 (our maid) come to my place at 7:30 am and started ringing the bell and calling my name out loud cause my room is next to the window. I am sure that everyone in the neighborhood will know in this house has 1 person named Phuong. Although Chris and Ben are staying in the same house with me but she's never yelled their names ;(
I decided to go to the gym and registered for membership which kinda expensive (450.000 ngàn đồng). I rather pay for this instead go clubbing and drinking too much booze(??) (As a result, I have a beer stomach and last week I went back my house and my mom said "you look too fat, stop more eating" :( . The gym is kind of small but it has new equipments, sauna and shower after working out. All my body felt sore after the first day.
Friday night usually us a party night for me and my friends. But this friday was different. It's rained so hard. My house mates were not at home Chris is in the US, Ben was hanging out with his friend from the US. Suddenly, Minh and Katie friends from SIT program called me out. They were at Vasco. I took a taxi there. Man, there are a lot of White dudes there. After having few drinks, we decided going to Lush for wiggling my butt (As James said to me whenever I go clubbing ;). Do you believe or not? Lush started charging cover fee (100 ngàn/person, included 1 drink I think) That's sucks. My friend and I both left Lush. I went straight to MGM cafe on Nguyen Dinh Chieu Str. caught up with Ben and his friends. We had couple drinks and went back home.
I took it easy this weekend just stayed at home most of the time. I went to the gym then call Slutty Hao for dinner. We had Cơm tấm which is the best Cơm tấm of Viet Nam, I think (Julie,Ben, Chris,Shaun and some others had said that when I took them there) Anyone wants to try it? Call me next time. I will charge you one dish of Cơm tấm sườn chả for service. hehe Ok stop talking about food ;)
I came home after dinner, read book, listened to music and download some new albums then watched Sherk 3 with Hao. At 2:30 am I was so hungry but there was no food in the frieze. Hao and I walked around the neighborhood to find Pho but that Pho restaurant was closed. I took my motorbike and drove around looking for food. I was so happy when there were some hu tieu mi shop still opened at Tan Dinh market. We ordered hu tieu mi and hu tieu thit heo. I could tell they put a lot MSG in it but how could I do, it still tasted damn good at that time ;)
Sunday morning, I woke up at 11:30 am and went straight to Thi Nghe market. I bought a lot of fruits, lettuce, pork, tofu... I am planning to have a campaign "Living healthy and cheap" Song khoe va re". I cooked my own food for lunch and dinner which cost 12.000 đồng (cheap huh) After lunch, I lied on the couch and tried to finish the Norwegian Wood book and listened to Norah Jones. That was my first time in a while since last Fall in Ha Noi that I was by myself and I enjoyed it a lot.
Trang (high school classmate) came over and we went to Poppy cafe. Trang has never been there so I took her there to try frozen yogurt. We met chi Thao and had a long talk cause I haven't been back to Poppy in about 2 weeks. Poppy donated 1 million dong for Fun Run Fund (Thanks a lot James - my old buddy kakaka).
Trang and I left Poppy and stopped at the corner of Nguyen Thi Minh Khai and Pasteur for Hot Vit Lon (My favorite hot vit lon at night). Well, that's all for my weekend. Tomorrow is a new week. Something new happen? We'll see.